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How training in nursery skills changed my life

Kumbirai Dube

My name is Morgan Ziyachinga, living in Chipiro village, one of the 12 villages in ward 2. The area is extremely hot with sandy soil which can hardly support plant life. I was always blaming my parents for living in such a hot and dry area.

After completing my ordinary level of education at Mhandarume Secondary School in 2020, I was selected by the village head with the support of Chaseyama Permaculture Club (CPC) committee to help work with CPC members in the village. PORET Trust trained me, together with other 30 lucky youths from ward 2, from 22 March to 14 April 2021 in a Permaculture Design Course that covered many topics like water harvesting, plant propagation, soil fertility management, climate change, conflict management, integrated pest and disease management, food processing, observation skills, ethics and principles of Permaculture.

I established my nursery at home and I was supported with 500 pots by PORET. I collected 200 empties of scuds which I designed and sowed a variety of indigenous and fruit seeds which germinated well. In mid-June 2021, I sold 400 indigenous seedlings at US$1 each which gave me US$400. I then realised that Permaculture Design is a weapon to fight against poverty.

After the community learnt that I got such an amount, 3 CPC members replicated nursery management: Lovemore Mvundura started with 200 seedlings, Sarudzai Manyande planted 100 trees and Rinzo Musabayana started with 200 seedlings.

Still in the mood of happiness, I was invited to do Nursery Skills Management as a course at PORET Training Centre. This was from 22-25 June 2021.

My dearest friends, Nursery Skills Management is an open check income generating project. I discovered that trees need to be planted to provide shade, moderate temperature, reduce soil erosion, enhance soil fertility, increase carbon sequestration, habitat for small animals, building material, windbreak and medicines. No trees no life. If you love yourself please grow trees.

Start a nursery today and earn a good living!

Training in Nursery Management at PORET Agroecology Centre.

Story told to Kumbirai Dube, Outreach Officer at PORET Trust

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Gigi WD
Gigi WD
Feb 26, 2024

I loved reading this story! Well done Morgan and thank you for important contributions to regeneration 💚


Sep 18, 2021

This is good news, keep up the good work

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